Here I’ve compiled a list of websites that offer free photography resources for people wanting to improve their skills further.

Here I’ve compiled a list of websites that offer free photography resources for people wanting to improve their skills further.
One of the most common questions I get asked is ‘what lens should I buy next’? My answer is nearly always a ‘nifty fifty’, also known as a 50mm prime lens.
Homes are tricky places to take photographs until use the light we find there. Read on for some tips on finding great light in your home.
The tree is up, the mince pies are ready. Photographing Christmas can be tricky, here are a few tips to help your photos sparkle.
Are you looking for some creative Christmas photography ideas? I’ve pulled together some ideas for you to try out this year.
Most entry level cameras come as part of a bundle. A common question I get asked is what lens to buy after the kit lens?
If I asked you where your photos of your children are, what would your answer be? I guess that you would probably say they’re mostly on your phone, and that you have a few on a memory card in your camera as well. You’d also remember you have some saved on a computer...
With more snow forecast, this article is full of tips for snow day photos. Many of these tips apply whether using your phone or your camera.
Heading out to the fireworks and hoping to capture some great photos of the action? Here are our top tips on taking firework photos on your phone. Taking Firework Photos On Your Phone Turn off your flash Even though you will be taking photographs in the dark, the...
Do you know how to photograph fireworks? Taking photos of fireworks requires you to use your camera in manual mode. It is a great way to put your photography skills into practice. While many firework displays have been cancelled in 2020, there are still some events...
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